Customs Experts and Customs Carriers Professionals
Our operations are based on the expertise and experience of thirty years of professional freight forwarders and customs officers: a professional associate company that takes on the corporate image in order to expand the range of services and address the issues related to foreign-wide trade.

Our company, made up of highly qualified professionals, makes available to Foreign Companies, all the Consulting and Assistance services (Intrastat, Customs Operations, etc.) needed to optimize the exploitation of innumerable opportunities, a guarantee for Development.


Our Experts will support you in the management of your shipments, whether they are maritime, land or air, offering a wide choice of time and cost solutions to meet the needs of every type of business.


As AEO Authorized Economic Operator, Marcopolo International enjoys all the benefits associated with this authorization:
  • Reduction of customs controls at import
  • Reduction of customs controls at the borders of the United States, China and Japan (thanks to mutual recognition agreements)
  • Faster shippings and therefore lower costs
  • Competitive advantage over competitors thanks to the prestige of being an AEO certified operator
Given the great and long experience in this field, it is the ideal partner for all the operators interested in obtaining AEO certification.